The most strangest things on earth.

The blue angel sea slug looks like an alien. Glaucus Atlanticus, the sea slug known as the “blue angel”, is a creature that seems to belong to another realm. Its elusive existence is confined to the shorelines of South Africa and Australia, making its discovery even more special. However, do not be fooled by its captivating appearance. This alluring slug possesses a treacherous side. As a carnivore, the blue angel relies on a diet of venomous sea creatures, including the infamous Portuguese man o’ war. Instead of warding off their toxins, the slug cunningly collects and stores the venom in specialized sacs to be used against future prey. Truly a force to be reckoned with.

The blue Lava: Nestled within the beautiful landscapes of Indonesia, lies a unique natural phenomenon that has left many in awe. With an impressive and swift burst of intense heat, the lava here takes on a stunning blue hue, a sight not commonly seen. Known as Blue Lava, or as it is scientifically called, Api Biru, this dazzling display is caused by the combustion of sulfur, giving the illusion of flowing lava. However, don’t be fooled by its name, as it is simply sulfur fire masquerading as molten rock. But don’t be too quick to brush it off as just another chemical reaction, for there is more to this spectacle. As the sulfur reacts and propels itself in a manner similar to the blue flame on a gas stove, it creates a stunning display of speed and flames, making it a truly mesmerizing experience that is unlike anything else on Earth. So, prepare to be amazed as you scroll down and witness the enchanting beauty of this natural wonder.

Antarctica’s blood falls glaciers: The ruddy red “waterfall” known as Blood Falls was first found by a party of geologists led by Thomas Griffith Taylor during the Terra Nova expedition (1910-1913). These geologists made up the western party of the expedition, while Robert Scott and his team made their ill-fated race to the South Pole. The falls are located on what’s now known as Taylor’s Glacier, an area of Antarctica almost directly south of New Zealand As clear as the pure ice surrounding it, the rushing liquid commands attention with its striking rusty red hue. When the falls were first discovered, the reason behind this stunning sight was shrouded in mystery. Some postulated that red algae could be the culprit, but as scientists delved into the issue chemically in the 1960s, it became apparent that the unusually high iron levels in the water were responsible. Yet, the source of this iron and its mode of transport through the glacier remained elusive to researchers. As we gaze upon the majestic Taylor’s Glacier, we are struck by the fact that its surface is a seemingly contradictory sight. On one hand, we see water glistening on top of the glacier, while on the other, we are informed that the same water is completely encased by ice. How is it possible, you may ponder, for water to remain liquid in such frigid conditions of -17 degree Celsius? The answer lies in the rich history of these waters, which date back over five million years when they were initially formed through intense flooding in the eastern regions of Antarctica. As the millennia passed, the climate grew colder, leading to the development of glaciers that now sit atop the once-vast pools and lakes. The result? A stunning landscape that showcases the enduring power of nature. As time passed, the liquid on the lakes gradually froze, leaving behind a concentrated amount of salt in the remaining water. This process continued until the salt concentration reached a point where the water transformed into a brine. Due to the properties of brine, which has a lower freezing point than pure water, the ancient lakes were able to maintain a pocket of liquid beneath the glacial surface. In the present day, after a span of two million years, the top layer of Antarctic ice measures a thickness of 400 meters, and the salt levels in the brine lakes are three times higher than that of seawater. As the temperature drops, the brine starts to freeze and unleashes latent heat, which warms up the surrounding ice. This process increases the likelihood of new crevasses forming, creating pathways for the brine to flow through. With intricate glacier movements and corresponding changes in hydraulic potential, the brine is eventually directed towards a specific exit – the infamous Blood Falls. Once the brine emerges from the glacier and comes into contact with oxygen, it undergoes rapid oxidation, resulting in its iconic crimson hue.

The Flowering Desert: The Atacama Desert of Chile is about to experience the miraculous blooming of flowers in a world that never ceases to amaze us. The sight of a blooming desert can be witnessed in the region of Copiapo and near the Ojos del Salado Volcano. This natural occurrence takes place specifically in the third region, near the Pajonales Stream. After the arrival of the heavy rains in the southern hemisphere’s winter, the Atacama bloom emerges in all its splendor. The Llanos de Challe National Park, known as the driest desert in the world, is now witness to the blossoming of several small wildflowers. Within the park, underground seeds and bulbs of native species such as Ananuca and Pata de Guanaco awaken from their dormancy. However, these seeds can only reach the surface and bloom with sufficient water and the scorching sun’s warmth. To protect the delicate ecosystem, the park is carefully monitored, and driving through its vibrant slopes is prohibited. Yet, despite the restrictions, one can witness vehicles passing by the blooming fields. Sadly, this area is constantly threatened by illegal trade of endemic species and visitors who pluck the delicate flowers, which cannot survive outside of their natural habitat.

The Everlasting Storm of Venezuela: In the northern coast of Venezuela, lies a remarkable place where the Catatumbo River meets Lake Maracaibo. Here, an extraordinary event takes place. The sky above illuminates with unrelenting bursts of lightning, earning the name “Catatumbo Lightning” or “Maracaibo Beacon” due to its reliability as a navigational aid for sailors throughout history. It is even reported to have played a role in the 1823 War of Independence, assisting Venezuelan ships to secure victory over Spain. With over 1.2 million strikes occurring each year, Lake Maracaibo sees more lightning than any other place in the world (250 flashes per square kilometre per year). This remarkable atmospheric behaviour has led to it being the focal point of numerous studies. Every evening, at approximately an hour after the sun sets, the Catatumbo Lightning graces the skies with its awe-inspiring display. For a period of 9 hours, this natural phenomenon can strike up to 28 times per minute, almost as if it were turning night into day. This impressive spectacle is generated by the same mechanisms that trigger thunderstorms around the globe. The convergence of warm, rising air and moist air above Lake Maracaibo creates unstable conditions that give rise to an electric field. However, it is the unique topography of the surrounding environment that sets the Catatumbo Lightning apart. The lake is bordered on three sides by mountain ridges, with its northern shore opening up into the Gulf of Venezuela.

The Rainbow tree: A spotlight on the magnificent wonders of our planet, showcasing its incredible beauty, diversity, and extraordinary qualities. Picture this: strolling through a lush forest and stumbling upon Eucalyptus trees, emitting a distinct, refreshing scent. Their vibrant colors would leave you mesmerized, as if stumbling upon a carefully curated art installation. Native to the northern hemisphere, the rainbow eucalyptus stands out as the sole eucalyptus tree in the region. Flourishing predominantly in the lush habitats of the Philippines, New Guinea, and Indonesia, its ideal conditions are characterized by abundant rainfall, making it a unique inhabitant of the rainforest. In its natural habitat, this majestic tree can reach towering heights of 250 feet (76 m.) However, in the United States, it can only thrive in frost-free regions, namely Hawaii, and the southern regions of California, Texas, and Florida. Even then, its maximum height is limited to a range of 100 to 125 feet (30-38 m.) As the bark of the rainbow eucalyptus (Eucalyptus deglupta) gracefully falls away, its neon green inner layer is revealed. As this layer is exposed to the elements, it transforms over time, displaying a dazzling array of hues – from vibrant reds and oranges to brilliant blues, pinks, and purples. Each shard of bark that falls away unveils a new layer, while the exposed areas continue to evolve in color. This mesmerizing process creates a striking image, reminiscent of a vibrant crayon drawing with layers of color peeking through like pieces of black crayon scraped away. As the bark of the rainbow eucalyptus gracefully peels off, it unveils a brilliant inner layer in vibrant neon green. Exposed to the elements, this layer gradually transitions through a wondrous spectrum of colors – from fiery reds and oranges, to dazzling blues, pinks, and purples. With each piece of bark that falls away, a new layer is revealed, while the exposed areas continue to evolve and transform in color. This mesmerizing metamorphosis creates a mesmerizing sight, reminiscent of a vibrant crayon drawing, with layers of color peeking out like fragments of black crayon meticulously scraped away.

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