
“Diabetes type 2 and associated risks”

Diabetes type 2

What are the significant challenges posed by Diabetes type 2

During discussions with your medical team, you may come across two categories of complications associated with diabetes type 2: long-term, gradual ones known as chronic complications, and sudden ones that can occur at any moment, referred to as acute complications. Complications that develop over time can cause significant harm if not properly addressed and treated.


One common issue is retinopathy, a diabetes type 2-related eye disease that can impair vision. Fortunately, routine eye screenings can detect retinopathy and prevent potential loss of sight.

Foot problems:

Having diabetes type 2 can put you at serious risk for foot problems, which can ultimately result in amputation if left untreated. High blood sugar levels can damage your circulation and nerves, ultimately affecting the sensation in your feet and hindering the healing process for wounds and cuts. As such, it is crucial that you inform your GP of any changes in the appearance or sensation of your feet.

Heart attack & Strokes:

If you have diabetes type 2, prolonged high blood sugar can wreak havoc on your blood vessels, potentially leading to a heightened risk of heart attacks and strokes.


Long-term diabetes type 2 can lead to kidney damage, resulting in difficulty in eliminating excess fluid and waste from the body. This condition, known as diabetic nephropathy or kidney disease, is caused by elevated blood sugar levels and high blood pressure.


Diabetes type 2 can lead to nerve damage as a result of prolonged high blood sugar levels. As a consequence, the communication between our brain and various body parts can be impaired, impacting our vision, hearing, sensation, and mobility.

Gum diseases:

When the level of sugar in your blood is too high, it can also increase the amount of sugar in your saliva. This creates an environment for bacteria to thrive and produce harmful acids that can erode your tooth enamel and harm your gums. In addition, elevated sugar levels can damage the blood vessels in your gums, leaving them vulnerable to infection.

Having diabetes type 2 increases the likelihood of developing specific types of cancer. Moreover, certain cancer treatments can complicate the management of blood sugar levels for individuals with diabetes.

For Women:

Sexual challenges may arise due to impaired blood flow and nerve damage. These issues hinder the sensation in your sexual organs, potentially leading to reduced pleasure. Additionally, high blood sugar levels increase the risk of developing conditions like thrush or urinary tract infections.

For Men:

Restricted blood flow to your sexual organs can hinder your ability to become aroused and may result in erectile dysfunction, also known as impotence.

Above, we delved into the long-term complications associated with diabetes type 2. Now, let’s shift our focus to the immediate and urgent issues that can arise from this condition. These occurrences can arise at any moment and potentially result in enduring complications. Blood sugar imbalances can be classified into two categories: hypoglycemia, when blood sugars are too low, and hyperglycemia, when blood sugars are too high. In people with type 2 diabetes, hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state (HHS) can occur as a serious emergency, caused by severe dehydration and extremely high blood sugar levels. Another potential emergency for those with diabetes is diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), which results from a lack of insulin and leads to a buildup of ketones. Both of these conditions require urgent medical attention.

When your blood sugar levels remain high for an extended time, it can have disastrous effects on your blood vessels. Unable to function properly, these vessels impede the flow of blood to vital parts of your body. As a result, your nerves also suffer and you may lose feeling in certain areas. Moreover, damage to blood vessels and nerves in one area increases the likelihood of encountering similar issues elsewhere in your body. Therefore, poor foot health can lead to the development of severe heart complications. It’s common knowledge that having a high HbA1c level puts you at a greater risk for developing complications. HbA1c, also known as glycated haemoglobin, forms when glucose, or sugar, attaches to your blood cells and accumulates in your bloodstream. A simple blood test can determine your HbA1c level, which reflects your average blood sugar levels in the past three months. An elevated HbA1c indicates an excess of sugar in your blood, even a slight increase can raise your risk. It’s important to remember that managing your health isn’t just about controlling blood sugar levels. Other factors like high blood pressure, smoking, and unhealthy levels of cholesterol can also lead to damage in your blood vessels and increase your vulnerability.

What steps can I take to avoid, or at least postpone, any potential complications linked to Diabetes type 2 ?

Complications from diabetes type 2 are not unavoidable. By effectively managing key factors such as blood sugar, blood pressure, and blood fats, you can significantly reduce your risk of developing health issues. This involves attending regular diabetes health check-ups and learning from your healthcare team on how to prioritize self-care in between appointments. It is possible to prevent or delay the onset of diabetes complications, but it requires proactive effort. Our resources provide valuable insights on what to anticipate with diabetes care and how it can aid in staving off potential complications.

Take control of your diabetes type 2:

It is crucial to maintain your HbA1c within the target range recommended by your healthcare team in order to decrease your chances of developing complications. If you notice your blood sugar levels rising, it is essential to speak with your doctor. Your treatment plan may need to be adjusted to bring your HbA1c back within the target range and prevent the potential complications of elevated blood sugar levels.

Keep active:

“Incorporating regular physical activity into your routine can greatly decrease your risk of experiencing complications. And don’t worry, if mobility is a challenge for you, there are still plenty of options to stay active. We offer a variety of free resources to assist you in staying on the move.”

Eat more healthily:

Improving your food choices can have numerous benefits, such as weight loss, lowered HbA1c levels, improved blood pressure management, and decreased fat levels, including cholesterol. Consider seeking guidance from a dietitian for additional support on maintaining a nutritious diet.

Stop smoking:

When you smoke, it severely impacts the flow of blood in your body, specifically to vital areas like your heart and feet. Quitting is a crucial aspect in decreasing your risk of complications. Don’t hesitate to seek guidance from your GP and diabetes team to kick the habit.

If you consistently struggle with ongoing complications:

As someone with a chronic complication, you are at a greater risk for developing other complications associated with diabetes. For instance, if you have damaged blood vessels in your feet, there is a possibility of similar damage occurring in your kidneys and heart. It is crucial that you prioritize your health screenings and maintain stable blood sugar levels to properly manage any existing conditions. We take this matter seriously, which is why we want to equip you with all the necessary information to prevent any worsening of complications.


Home remedies for Diabetes type 2: https://megahubb.com/https-megahubb-com-best-benefits-uses-of-chia-seeds/

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